I have discovered the US Census Bureau all over again! For all the taxes we pay, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how well some of them are being spent. During a phone call today, I had a question in my mind about how large another city was relative to Colorado Springs. I discovered they have ranking data on every major city in the country on a number of things (this is almost better than the Money Magazine list!). Here is the link: Census Bureau Ranking Data
The data is not perfect (4 years old at this point), but I discovered, among other things, that Colorado Springs is #13 on the education ranking, with 38% of the population over 25 having at least a bachelors degree. We are #2 for the percentage of the population over 18 who are veterans (21.5%). We are #65 out of 68 for percentage of people below poverty (at 8.3% this seemed high, til I saw poor #1 Cleveland at 31%!). #55 out of 68 for average time spent commuting to work (19.5 minutes) wasn't too bad either. I wonder how much time we average blogging... Fun stuff. Anyway, from my original question, I determined that Colorado Springs is about 2/3 the size of Tuscon.