The 4th of July got a double dose of fireworks, with a nice thunderstorm (with hail!) prior to the festivities. All is well that ends well, and it cleared up nicely for the "the big show".
I talked with one of my recent California relocation clients today, and it reminded me again of how Colorado Springs is "a big town that lives like a little town". He was feeling a little homesick (almost everyone does when they move, no matter where they go, or where they come from), and had called an old friend in California that he had not talked to for a long time. To his shock, they were just about to turn the phones off, because they had sold their house and were on their way to - Colorado Springs! Their new house is just 10 or 12 minutes from his. This kind of stuff happens all the time here.
Our 4th of July was spent with friends we have known from our California days, that all moved out for different reasons over the last 15 years. I still remember when we had been here only a few months, and were eating in a small fast food restaurant. My wife saw a couple across the room, and instantly recognized them as old friends from her college days in California. Sure enough, it was them, we've been friends as couples ever since. The wives even work together for the same school now!
I am sure there is word for this phenomenon. Sometimes it almost seems like "de ja vu". But whatever you call it, chances are that if you've lived in the Springs for any period of time, you've experienced it. They the whole world's population is connected, with only "six degrees of separation". In the Springs, I think it is only 1 or 2.