Friday, September 07, 2007

Colorado Springs land prices, especially for residential building, are often asked about. The lot shown is one that I just listed for $149,000 in Kings Deer, a golf course community in Monument (just north of Colorado Springs, about 30 minutes to the Denver Tech Center or downtown Colorado Springs). It is is the least expensive lot in the subdivision (the most expensive are in the $300's), and is a flag lot, 2.5 acres with a walkout to the north. The area in the immediate foreground is actually greenbelt and not part of the lot, and the lot extends to the left even further. This subdivision starts in the 500's, and and a lot at this price can be a way to get a custom home on a budget. Click here to a link for more details on this great property:

Land prices continue to rise, and the opportunity with the current building / real estate slump is that lots such as these are usually held by builders in hopes of landing a contract to build, but because many builders are hurting for cash flow, there are more of these types of lots than would normally be the case. Lot financing is still possible with many local lenders, hopefully that won't beccome an issue with overall real estate credit crunch.

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