Tuesday, June 17, 2008

As Colorado Springs largest real estate office, our monthly sales meetings and marketing forums really are good, even though I usually am not a fan of meetings. The RE/MAX Properties Chapel Hills office marketing forum was this morning, and I thought I'd share a few things that were of interest.
We actually had the meeting at the Cordera community center, and had a little briefing about Cordera as a community. In addition, Campbell Homes, one of their featured builders gave a short presentation as well. Cordera is going to be where 1400 homes eventually go, at the moment there are around 200. Cordera is a community oriented neighborhood, meaning that the dues are a little higher ($100 month currently), but they include more, and have lots of community activities. The D20 elementary school, Chinook Trail, is the only one in the region to my knowledge, teaching Mandarin Chinese to the students, and will eventually be joined by a middle school. Their overall emphasis is on world language and culture.
Campbell spoke briefly about their guaranteed delivery date program, which is unique among local builders. They have a 5 1/2 month build schedule, and will actually pay the buyer $100 per day if they miss it. In 10 years, they have not had to write a check, which is really remarkable when you consider how many things can go wrong when a house is being built.
Wells Fargo bank attended the meeting, and gave us the unhappy news that El Paso County conventional loans now all require 10% down minimum, and rates are definitely up sharply this week. My regular lender's quote was 6.5% today. They strongly recommended exploring FHA and VA eligibility for anyone needing a less than 10% down payment program.

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