Monday, October 20, 2008

Yesterday was probably one of the last "summer like" days of the year in Colorado Springs. A series of cold fronts will likely knock a lot of leaves down soon, and the sprinkler systems are going to have to be drained pretty quick, as a hard freeze is on its way. We'll miss those 70 plus degree days for a while.

Fall is an important home maintenance season. Draining and shutting down the sprinklers is really important here, along with disconnecting any hoses that might be out. Cleaning the gutters while it is still safe and possible is always smart, and of course changing furnace filters and smoke detector batteries are good to take care of as well. The leaf raking and bulb planting are good too, although I think the bulbs do better if planted a little later yet.

Today's photos were taken Sunday at Parliament Park, very near my office and Chapel Hills Mall. It is an extremely popular "senior picture" spot in town, and I could not resist capturing how much the fall color season has now reached us here in the Springs. I am embarrassed to say that while I have driven past this park literally thousands of times, I never stopped for a few photos of my own until yesterday.

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