Sunday, December 07, 2008

Colorado Springs is having an "up and down" winter so far. We've had a couple snow events since Thanksgiving, but we are in our 2nd day above 50 this weekend, before another snow event tomorrow night. It makes some interesting observations as your drive around town as well. I was driving by Patty Jewett golf course yesterday with my windows down, and noticed a number of people playing. When I got back to the house in Briargate, 15 minutes north, there is still snow hanging around on the ground almost everywhere except the streets and south facing driveways. I think I better get my lights up while the getting is good, I'm guessing the opportunities are diminishing as time goes along :-)
The Christmas gift of dropping gas prices every week seems to have run its course. After hitting a low of $1.429, we are up to $1.499 at our favorite station.

Today's photo is another from several years ago of the foxes that hand out at Patty Jewett. While I took this quite a while ago, my recollection was that there is a golf ball in his mouth.

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