Friday, August 14, 2009

Colorado Springs People Are Special

One of my clients who just moved here to Colorado Springs from another state made an interesting comment to me yesterday. He said something to the effect 'we are more settled here in 4 weeks than we were in our old house in 4 years'. He went on to say how well the place just seemed to 'fit'. I hear similar stories a lot, and I believe one of the big factors are the people. It was a big draw for us in moving here 18 years ago, and I believe it is still one of the big strengths today. They already had met all of their neighbors, not by going to door to door, but by simply being there when people came over to introduce themselves. We had lunch with some other clients earlier in the week, and she had just had a hip replacement. Their neighbors had all banded together to bring them meals, and they actually had to ask for a break because there was so much food brought. I know that people help each other in many places, but the fact is that in many places they don't. Here in the Springs, it's one of those places where people really do help each other, and to me, that makes the people special.

The monsoon is back up and running after a short break, the afternoon cool downs and rain are such a treat, I'll miss this summer when it is over!
Today's photo was taken in April, but I always love the view of Pikes Peak with some aspect of Garden of the Gods in it. That is the famous Kissing Camels in the foreground.

Got questions about living in Colorado Springs? Call me at 719-590-4768 or 888-568-6784! Visit me on Facebook to see even more photos!

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