Friday, July 27, 2007

The cooler weather of today (I don't think we broke 80), makes a nice break in a little bit of a heat wave. Colorado Springs can be hot, for at least part of the day, and it was nice to really avoid that today. Colorado Spring Utilities I am sure was appreciative as well.
The stock market set a high last week, and promptly retreated almost the whole distance it had gained this year within the next week. It will be interesting to see how it all sorts out, but from the perspective of a Realtor, it seems like the exuberance of the stock market has certainly not been based on what is going on in the housing industry. While interest rates have remained in the mid 6's and unemployment is low, homes sales have continued to lag. The news suggests it may even be 2009 before it turns around, but in Colorado Springs I don't think it will take that long, for several reasons.
1. The new troops will eventually come to Fort Carson as we begin to draw down forces in Iraq
2. The Colorado Springs market never really experienced a huge runup in prices, and remains at or below the national average for housing.
3. Local employment should begin to grow more robustly
If any of us really knew for sure what was going to happen when, we could make a fortune doing other things, but my bet is that 2008 will see an improving market here, as inventories shrink to healthier levels. While we have 7132 homes for sale as of today, by this time next year I hope to see that number drop by a couple of thousand.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rick

Just proved two things:

1) I was able to get to this BLOGSPOT and

2) Your July newsletter 'really works.' Ha

Seriously just so you know 'a few' of us now and then check you out from time to time.

3) Delighted with the news New life finally has a candidate.

I read his bio and he does NOT have Seminary training (ie Grad school) (Not necessarily a handicap but.......some of us look to see where he received good theological training.

However sounds like he may be the 'silver tonged orator' that N L needs right now

Glad they did NOT pick Ross as Pastoral Candidate

He is too close to the past connections to be effective

Just this ole Pastoral hasbeen offering my two cents after 22 years expereince in placement of Pastors in Ohio

Stay cool

So far we are status quo and life goes on



Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should delete my memo as I did NOT realize this might be published for others besides yourself to read

sorry to clutter up the bulletin board with 'chatter.'

This new tech stuff is almost over my head!