Friday, October 05, 2007

"The Rockies did it again" is getting to sound like a broken record (I just realized that younger kids no longer recognize that phrase :-), but one of the longest winning streaks in baseball IS a record, and they are eager to break it. I'll be on vacation while the rest of this plays out, but I think the Rockies are going to the NL Championship game, ironically probably to face division rival Arizona. What fun!
The fall has remained very warm here, around 80 again today. I can't say I am unhappy with the nice weather, but by now we are usually starting to use our furnace, and it really doesn't need need it yet. We don't even have the first frost in the forecast! The leaves are starting to turn even down here, although the aspens are not, so the high country has got to be starting to thin I would guess. It should start cooling off soon, only 3 weeks until A Basin will try to open for ski season!

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