Monday, April 13, 2009

Iraq Casualties Hit Home in the Springs

This morning we learned that the 5 troops killed in Mosul, Iraq last week were based right here at Fort Carson. As the whole conflict winds down, these kinds of things are very sobering, and our hearts are saddened for the families affected. Our own family is particularly sensitive to developments in Iraq this week, as our oldest son is leaving in the next day or so for Iraq as a civilian contractor. He spent 5 years on the Army previously, and has been doing some work with a company stateside doing logistics support. With the economy the way it is, this looked like a good opportunity, although I have to say I did not expect he'd be heading over to Iraq as a part of the job. We are proud of his willingness to 'do what it takes', and like the families of all of our armed forces, are going to be praying for his safe return.
The Easter snow quit in the later part of the afternoon, and this morning bright sunshine looks like it will be melting off kind of fast. My wife the school teacher was a little disappointed they didn't at least get a late start out of it, but this time of year, it is a little unusual to cancel school for snow, as it melts pretty quick.
Got questions about living in Colorado Springs? Call me at 719-590-4768 or 888-568-6784!

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