Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Begins in the Springs

Fathers Day happened to also mark the beginning of summer, and not just on the calendar. Yesterday was also the warmest day I can remember so far, with temps in the low 80's. It was a fine day for showing property! After spending most of last week in Michigan visiting family, it was really nice to be home and see the clear blue sky and the mountains, and feel the cooler, crisper morning air.

I had 2 sets of clients to work with before our Fathers Day celebration. With lots of homes for sale in Colorado Springs, normally it is easy to find lots of homes to show, but in some categories that is less true than others. The narrower the criteria, the fewer the homes as well, so adding things like larger lot sizes, higher bedroom count etc usually makes the list pretty manageable. Taking out short sales (they are taking so long to get answers on) can make the list very short!

The snow is starting to melt pretty good on Pike's Peak, I'm guessing it will disappear with the forecast every day this week close to 90!

Got questions about living in Colorado Springs? Call me at 719-590-4768 or 888-568-6784! Visit me on Facebook to see even more photos!

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